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Mandatory EPSB Trainings for Cooperating Teachers – Part A and Part B

Part A:

Basic Responsibilities of a Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor (16 KAR 5:040, Section 2(5)(a) and Section 5(6)(a))

Message from EPSB

To ensure that you are aware of the expectations set out for educator preparation programs, student teachers and cooperating teachers regarding the student teacher experience, we have prepared a review of key portions of the regulation governing student teaching in Kentucky, 16 KAR 5:040. A short assessment is included in this module to ensure the information was provided in a way that enabled you to understand all the expectations. 

Part B:

Co-Teaching Training Module created by a consortium of a group of Kentucky University Educators, Best Practice in Supporting a Student Teacher (16 KAR 5:040, Section 2(5)(b) and Section 5(6)(b))

Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisors, please note that a certficate will be generated confirming your completion of the training at the end.

Published on January 31, 2014

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