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A Student Teacher Story

A Student Teacher Story

Dear Mrs. H,

I had to share with you what happened today.  So, in the middle of our math lesson this morning, we hear bloody screams coming out to the hallway.  I open the door to see students running out of the classroom across the way and the lights going on and off.  Students were screaming, “snake, snake!” The week before, the same thing happened in a different room, but nothing was to be found.  My manly instinct was for me to grab the nearest child and hide behind them as I am deathly terrified of snakes.  In my list of “Wes’s deathly fears”, heights are number one with snakes a close second.  So, I walk across the hall to the room and sure enough, there’s a little snake curled up right under the Smart Board.  It was a tiny snake, black with rings on it. No snake, big or small, it doesn’t make a difference:  I’m scared.  Standing there is one of our teachers who is pregnant.  Of course, the man comes out in me and I say, “Step aside pregnant woman!”   She said to step on it and kinda keep it located in one spot.  So, I do that and the snake curls under my shoe.  I’m literally dying inside.  I’m sure that my blood pressure is 300/200 at this point, but I remain calm.  Then, the snake proceeds to peep its head up and begins to peck at my shoe as if it is striking.  At this point, I begin to see the bright lights of Heaven.  My cooperating teacher runs over to help and I tell her to grab something like a box or crated.  She finds a plastic storage container and she takes the lid and I take the box and we scoop it up.  I grab the lid and firmly place it on top.  I was immediately relieved.  I never let them see me sweat.  So, all day students stopped me in the hall, congratulating me on getting the snake and asking me how big it was and what happened.  I guess I was a hero.  So, I had plenty to write about in my student teaching journal tonight.  I had to share this with you!

Published on May 13, 2010

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