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Mandatory EPSB Trainings for Cooperating Teachers – Part A and Part B

Part A:

Basic Responsibilities of a Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor (16 KAR 5:040, Section 2(5)(a) and Section 5(6)(a))

Message from EPSB

EKU Future Educators Learning in Kentucky Schools

EKU future teacher learns with Ky school host teacher

EKU’s College of Education future educators may be learning from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but they continue to work with public educators across the state to provide online learning experiences for K-12 students.

New Student Orientation

Please visit the link for more information:

College of Education Peer Mentor Program

The College of Education’s Peer Mentor program is an academic year long program from the fall semester through the spring semester. Second year students and above from all COE programs are encouraged to participate. Each mentor will serve voluntarily as a role model assisting new students in making the transition to college life.

Model Students Study at EKU Zoology Lab

By Caroline Engle, Senior at Model

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